Our ongoing commitment to health and safety has been recognised with ‘Safecontractor’ status since 2005
As an employer and contractor, D&D Coatings have always recognised our responsibility to ensuring the health and safety of the company’s employees and associates. Since 2005, we have been rewarded with ‘Safecontractor’ status in recognition of reaching – and maintaining – the highest standards of health and safety.
Pure Safety Solutions Health & Safety Advisors
D&D Coatings work closely with Pure Safety Solutions – a health and safety management consultancy – to ensure the best possible standards of compliance. A range of professional support services is provided by Pure Safety Solutions to optimise the efficiency of our day-to-day business operations, including advice in all areas of Risk.
We benefit from a range of services to ensure efficiency in our day to day business including advice and support in all areas of risk. Our company is provided with ongoing support in areas which can directly influence and affect the running of our business.
With Pure Safety Solutions working closely with our team it ensures swift conclusions to any potential site issues. We have demonstrated investment in Health and Safety to ensure competence and compliance. Pure Safety Solutions make an annual review of our systems and processes, which result in action plans being developed to ensure issues are identified and prompt improvements can be implemented.
Our Team can deal more effectively with any potential on-site health and safety issues. This efficiency is maintained with an annual review of our systems and processes. Action plans are developed to identify health and safety issues and devise ways of implementing improvements when required.